Indian Boarding School Records Return
It is estimated that between 1819 and 1969, the United States federal government operated or supported 408 boarding schools in 37 states. Today, there are thousands of boarding school survivors who do not have the benefit of owning their own records.
The Indian Boarding School Records Return Initiative aims to change that.
If you are a survivor of an Indian Boarding School that was operated in the U.S. by the federal government, we might be able to help return your records. Fill out the information below and we will respond as soon as possible.
Albuquerque Indian School (1929-1964)
Bacone College (1929-1951)
Bismarck Indian School (1929-1938)
Charles H. Burke IS (1929-1949)
Chemawa Indian School (1929-1969)
Cheyenne-Arapaho BS (1929-1969)
Chilocco Indian School (1929-1969)
Cottonwood Day School (1968-1969)
Dwight Mission (1935-1948)
Euchee Boarding School (1929-1947)
Eufaula High School (1929-1969)
Flandreau School (1929-1954)
Fort Bidwell IBS (1929-1930)
Fort Sill Indian School (1937-1969)
Fort Totten Indian School (1929-1935)
Haskell Institute (1929-1969)
Hayward Indian School (1929-1934)
Hoopa Valley Boarding School (1929-1931)
Ignacio Boarding School (1937-1969)
Intermountain Indian School (1953-1969)
Jones Academy (1929-1969)
Jones Male Academy (1929-1952)
Lac du Flambeau School (1929-1932)
McCarty Indian Day School (1935-1959)
Mekusukey Academy (1929-1931)
Mesita Indian Day School (1944-1957)
Mount Edgecrumbe (1941-1969)
Mt. Pleasant Indian School (1929-1946)
Nenahnezad Boarding School (1950-1958)
Paguate Indian Day School (1929-1958)
Pawnee Boarding School (1929-1958)
Phoenix Indian School (1929-1969)
Pierre Indian School (1929-1934)
Pipestone Indian School (1929-1959)
Rapid City Indian School (1929-1934)
Riverside School (1929-1969)
Salem Indian School (1929-1939)
San Juan Boarding School (1954-1966)
Santa Fe Indian School (1929-1951)
Seneca Boarding School (1929-1969)
Sequoyah High School (1929-1969)
Shawnee Boarding School (1929-1961)
Sherman Institute (1929-1969)
Shiprock Boarding School (1944-1952)
Steward IBS (1929-1969)
Theodore Roosevelt School (1929-1939)
Toadlena Day School (1941-1952)
Tomah Indian Industrial School (1929-1943)
Wahpeton Indian School (1929-1967)
Wheelock Academy (1929-1953)
Wrangell Institute (1956-1969)